Source code for vak.plot.annot

"""functions for plotting annotations for vocalizations"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

[docs] def plot_segments(onsets, offsets, y=0.5, ax=None, line_kwargs=None): """plot segments on an axis. Creates a collection of horizontal lines with the specified `onsets` and `offsets` all at height `y` and places them on the axes `ax`. Parameters ---------- onsets : numpy.ndarray onset times of segments offsets : numpy.ndarray offset times of segments y : float, int height on y-axis at which segments should be plotted. Default is 0.5. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes axes on which to plot segment. Default is None, in which case a new Axes instance is created line_kwargs : dict keyword arguments passed to the `LineCollection` that represents the segments. Default is None. """ if line_kwargs is None: line_kwargs = {} if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots segments = [] for on, off in zip(onsets, offsets): segments.append(((on, y), (off, y))) lc = LineCollection(segments, **line_kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc)
[docs] def plot_labels(labels, t, y=0.6, ax=None, text_kwargs=None): """plot labels on an axis. Parameters ---------- labels : list, numpy.ndarray t : numpy.ndarray times at which to plot labels y : float, int height on y-axis at which segments should be plotted. Default is 0.5. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes axes on which to plot segment. Default is None, in which case a new Axes instance is created text_kwargs : dict keyword arguments passed to the `Axes.text` method that plots the labels. Default is None. """ if text_kwargs is None: text_kwargs = {} if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots for label, t_lbl in zip(labels, t): ax.text(t_lbl, y, label, **text_kwargs)
[docs] def annotation( annot, t, tlim=None, y_segments=0.5, y_labels=0.6, line_kwargs=None, text_kwargs=None, ax=None, ): """plot segments with labels, from annotation Parameters ---------- annot : crowsetta.Annotation annotation that has segments to be plotted (the `annot.seq.segments` attribute) t : numpy.ndarray vector of centers of time bins from spectrogram tlim : tuple, list limits of time axis (tmin, tmax) (i.e., x-axis). Default is None, in which case entire range of t will be plotted. y_segments : float height at which segments should be plotted. Default is 0.5 (assumes y-limits of 0 and 1). y_labels : float height at which labels should be plotted. Default is 0.6 (assumes y-limits of 0 and 1). line_kwargs : dict keyword arguments for `LineCollection`. Passed to the function `vak.plot.annot.segments` that plots segments as a `LineCollection` instance. Default is None. text_kwargs : dict keyword arguments for `matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`. Passed to the function `vak.plot.annot.labels` that plots labels using Axes.text method. Default is None. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes axes on which to plot segments. Default is None, in which case a new figure with a single axes is created """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_ylim(0, 1) segment_centers = [] for on, off in zip(annot.seq.onsets_s, annot.seq.offsets_s): segment_centers.append(np.mean([on, off])) plot_segments( onsets=annot.seq.onsets_s, offsets=annot.seq.offsets_s, y=y_segments, ax=ax, line_kwargs=line_kwargs, ) if tlim: ax.set_xlim(tlim) tmin, tmax = tlim labels = [] segment_centers_tmp = [] for label, segment_center in zip(annot.seq.labels, segment_centers): if tmin < segment_center < tmax: labels.append(label) segment_centers_tmp.append(segment_center) segment_centers = segment_centers_tmp else: labels = annot.seq.labels segment_centers = np.array(segment_centers) plot_labels( labels=labels, t=segment_centers, y=y_labels, ax=ax, text_kwargs=text_kwargs, )