Source code for vak.models.frame_classification_model

"""A LightningModule that represents a task
where a model predicts a label for each frame
in a time series, e.g., each time bin in
a window from a spectrogram."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Callable, Mapping

import lightning
import torch

from .. import common, transforms
from ..common import labels
from .registry import model_family

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @model_family class FrameClassificationModel(lightning.LightningModule): """Class that represents a family of neural network models that predicts a label for each frame in a time series, e.g., each time bin in a window from a spectrogram. The task of predicting a label for each frame in a series is one way of predicting annotations for a vocalization, where the annotations consist of a sequence of segments, each with an onset, offset, and label. The model maps the spectrogram window to a vector of labels for each frame, i.e., each time bin. To annotate a vocalization with such a model, the spectrogram is converted into a batch of consecutive non-overlapping windows, for which the model produces predictions. These predictions are then concatenated into a vector of labeled frames, from which the segments can be recovered. Post-processing can be applied to the vector to clean up noisy predictions before recovering the segments. Attributes ---------- network : torch.nn.Module, dict An instance of a ``torch.nn.Module`` that implements a neural network, or a ``dict`` that maps human-readable string names to a set of such instances. loss : torch.nn.Module, callable An instance of a ``torch.nn.Module` ` that implements a loss function, or a callable Python function that computes a scalar loss. optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer An instance of a ``torch.optim.Optimizer`` class used with ``loss`` to optimize the parameters of ``network``. metrics : dict A ``dict`` that maps human-readable string names to ``Callable`` functions, used to measure performance of the model. post_tfm : callable Post-processing transform applied to predictions. labelmap : dict-like That maps human-readable labels to integers predicted by network. eval_labelmap : dict-like Mapping from labels to integers predicted by network that is used by ``validation_step``. This is used when mapping from network outputs back to labels to compute metrics that require strings, such as edit distance. If ``labelmap`` contains keys with multiple characters, this will be ``labelmap`` re-mapped so that all labels have single characters (except the background label, if specified), to avoid artificially changing the edit distance. See for more detail. If all keys (except background label) are single-character, then ``eval_labelmap`` will just be ``labelmap``. to_labels_eval : vak.transforms.frame_labels.ToLabels Instance of :class:`~vak.transforms.frame_labels.ToLabels` that uses ``eval_labelmap`` to convert labeled timebins to string labels inside of ``validation_step``, for computing edit distance. """
[docs] def __init__( self, labelmap: Mapping, network: torch.nn.Module | dict | None = None, loss: torch.nn.Module | Callable | None = None, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer | None = None, metrics: dict | None = None, post_tfm: Callable | None = None, background_label = common.constants.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_LABEL, ): """Initialize a new instance of a :class:`~vak.models.frame_classification_model.FrameClassificationModel`. Parameters ---------- labelmap : dict-like That maps human-readable labels to integers predicted by network. network : torch.nn.Module, dict An instance of a :class:`torch.nn.Module` that implements a neural network, or a ``dict`` that maps human-readable string names to a set of such instances. loss : torch.nn.Module, callable An instance of a :class:`torch.nn.Module` that implements a loss function, or a callable Python function that computes a scalar loss. optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer An instance of a ``torch.optim.Optimizer`` class used with ``loss`` to optimize the parameters of ``network``. metrics : dict A ``dict`` that maps human-readable string names to ``Callable`` functions, used to measure performance of the model. post_tfm : callable Post-processing transform applied to predictions. background_label: str, optional The string label applied to segments belonging to the background class. Default is :const:`vak.common.constants.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_LABEL`. """ super().__init__() = network self.loss = loss self.optimizer = optimizer self.metrics = metrics self.labelmap = labelmap # replace any multiple character labels in mapping # with single-character labels # so that we do not affect edit distance computation # see labelmap_keys = [lbl for lbl in labelmap.keys() if lbl != background_label] if any( [len(label) > 1 for label in labelmap_keys] ): # only re-map if necessary # (to minimize chance of knock-on bugs) "Detected that labelmap has keys with multiple characters:" f"\n{labelmap_keys}\n" "Re-mapping labelmap used with to_labels_eval transform, using " "function vak.labels.multi_char_labels_to_single_char" ) self.eval_labelmap = labels.multi_char_labels_to_single_char( labelmap ) else: self.eval_labelmap = labelmap self.to_labels_eval = transforms.frame_labels.ToLabels( self.eval_labelmap ) self.post_tfm = post_tfm
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): """Returns the model's optimizer. Method required by ``lightning.pytorch.LightningModule``. This method returns the ``optimizer`` instance passed into ``__init__``. If None was passed in, an instance that was created with default arguments will be returned. """ return self.optimizer
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Run a forward pass through this model's network. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Input to network, with shape that matches ``self.input_shape``. Returns ------- out : torch.Tensor Output from network. """ return
[docs] def training_step(self, batch: tuple, batch_idx: int): """Perform one training step. Method required by ``lightning.pytorch.LightningModule``. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple A batch from a dataloader. batch_idx : int The index of this batch in the dataloader. Returns ------- loss : torch.Tensor Scalar loss value computed by the loss function, ``self.loss``. """ frames = batch["frames"] # we repeat this code in validation step # because I'm assuming it's faster than a call to a staticmethod that factors it out if ( # multi-class frame classificaton "multi_frame_labels" in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("multi_frame_labels",) elif ( # binary frame classification "binary_frame_labels" in batch and "multi_frame_labels" not in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("binary_frame_labels",) elif ( # boundary "detection" -- i.e. different kind of binary frame classification "boundary_frame_labels" in batch and "multi_frame_labels" not in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("boundary_frame_labels",) elif ( # multi-class frame classification *and* boundary detection "multi_frame_labels" in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("multi_frame_labels", "boundary_frame_labels") if len(target_types) == 1: class_logits = loss = self.loss(class_logits, batch[target_types[0]]) self.log("train_loss", loss, on_step=True) else: multi_logits, boundary_logits = loss = self.loss( multi_logits, boundary_logits, batch["multi_frame_labels"], batch["boundary_frame_labels"] ) if isinstance(loss, torch.Tensor): self.log("train_loss", loss, on_step=True) elif isinstance(loss, dict): # this provides a mechanism to values for all terms of a loss function with multiple terms for loss_name, loss_val in loss.items(): self.log(f"train_{loss_name}", loss_val, on_step=True) return loss
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch: tuple, batch_idx: int): """Perform one validation step. Method required by ``lightning.pytorch.LightningModule``. Logs metrics using ``self.log`` Parameters ---------- batch : tuple A batch from a dataloader. batch_idx : int The index of this batch in the dataloader. Returns ------- None """ frames = batch["frames"] # remove "batch" dimension added by collate_fn to frames # TODO: fix this weirdness. Diff't collate_fn? if frames.ndim in (5, 4): if frames.shape[0] == 1: frames = torch.squeeze(frames, dim=0) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid shape for frames: {frames.shape}") # we repeat this code in training step # because I'm assuming it's faster than a call to a staticmethod that factors it out if ( # multi-class frame classificaton "multi_frame_labels" in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("multi_frame_labels",) elif ( # binary frame classification "binary_frame_labels" in batch and "multi_frame_labels" not in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("binary_frame_labels",) elif ( # boundary "detection" -- i.e. different kind of binary frame classification "boundary_frame_labels" in batch and "multi_frame_labels" not in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("boundary_frame_labels",) elif ( # multi-class frame classification *and* boundary detection "multi_frame_labels" in batch and "boundary_frame_labels" in batch and "binary_frame_labels" not in batch ): target_types = ("multi_frame_labels", "boundary_frame_labels") if len(target_types) == 1: class_logits = boundary_logits = None else: class_logits, boundary_logits = # permute and flatten out # so that it has shape (1, number classes, number of time bins) # ** NOTICE ** just calling out.reshape(1, out.shape(1), -1) does not work, it will change the data class_logits = class_logits.permute(1, 0, 2) class_logits = torch.flatten(class_logits, start_dim=1) class_logits = torch.unsqueeze(class_logits, dim=0) # reduce to predictions, assuming class dimension is 1 class_preds = torch.argmax( class_logits, dim=1 ) # y_pred has dims (batch size 1, predicted label per time bin) if boundary_logits is not None: boundary_logits = boundary_logits.permute(1, 0, 2) boundary_logits = torch.flatten(boundary_logits, start_dim=1) boundary_logits = torch.unsqueeze(boundary_logits, dim=0) # reduce to predictions, assuming class dimension is 1 boundary_preds = torch.argmax( boundary_logits, dim=1 ) # y_pred has dims (batch size 1, predicted label per time bin) if "padding_mask" in batch: padding_mask = batch[ "padding_mask" ] # boolean: 1 where valid, 0 where padding # remove "batch" dimension added by collate_fn # because this extra dimension just makes it confusing to use the mask as indices if padding_mask.ndim == 2: if padding_mask.shape[0] == 1: padding_mask = torch.squeeze(padding_mask, dim=0) else: raise ValueError( f"invalid shape for padding mask: {padding_mask.shape}" ) class_logits = class_logits[:, :, padding_mask] class_preds = class_preds[:, padding_mask] if boundary_logits is not None: boundary_logits = boundary_logits[:, :, padding_mask] boundary_preds = boundary_preds[:, padding_mask] if "multi_frame_labels" in target_types: multi_frame_labels_str = self.to_labels_eval(batch["multi_frame_labels"].cpu().numpy()) class_preds_str = self.to_labels_eval(class_preds.cpu().numpy()) if self.post_tfm: class_preds_tfm = self.post_tfm( class_preds.cpu().numpy(), ) class_preds_tfm_str = self.to_labels_eval(class_preds_tfm) # convert back to tensor so we can compute accuracy class_preds_tfm = torch.from_numpy(class_preds_tfm).to(self.device) if len(target_types) == 1: target = batch[target_types[0]] else: target = {target_type: batch[target_type] for target_type in target_types} for metric_name, metric_callable in self.metrics.items(): if metric_name == "loss": if len(target_types) == 1: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}", metric_callable(class_logits, target), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) else: loss = self.loss( class_logits, boundary_logits, batch["multi_frame_labels"], batch["boundary_frame_labels"] ) if isinstance(loss, torch.Tensor): self.log( f"val_{metric_name}", loss, batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) elif isinstance(loss, dict): # this provides a mechanism to values for all terms of a loss function with multiple terms for loss_name, loss_val in loss.items(): self.log( f"val_{loss_name}", loss_val, batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) elif metric_name == "acc": if len(target_types) == 1: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}", metric_callable(class_preds, target), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) if self.post_tfm and "multi_frame_labels" in target_types: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}_tfm", metric_callable(class_preds_tfm, target), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) else: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}", metric_callable(class_preds, target["multi_frame_labels"]), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) self.log( f"val_boundary_{metric_name}", metric_callable(boundary_preds, target["boundary_frame_labels"]), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) if self.post_tfm and "multi_frame_labels" in target_types: self.log( f"val_multi_{metric_name}_tfm", metric_callable(class_preds_tfm, target["multi_frame_labels"]), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) elif ( metric_name == "levenshtein" or metric_name == "character_error_rate" ) and "multi_frame_labels" in target_types: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}", # next line: convert to float to squelch warning from lightning float(metric_callable(class_preds_str, multi_frame_labels_str)), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, ) if self.post_tfm: self.log( f"val_{metric_name}_tfm", # next line: convert to float to squelch warning from lightning float(metric_callable(class_preds_tfm_str, multi_frame_labels_str)), batch_size=1, on_step=True, sync_dist=True, )
[docs] def predict_step(self, batch: tuple, batch_idx: int): """Perform one prediction step. Method required by ``lightning.pytorch.LightningModule``. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple A batch from a dataloader. batch_idx : int The index of this batch in the dataloader. Returns ------- y_pred : dict Where the key is "source_path" and the value is the output of the network; "source_path" is the path to the file containing the spectrogram for which a prediction was generated. """ frames, frames_path = batch["frames"].to(self.device), batch["frames_path"] if isinstance(frames_path, list) and len(frames_path) == 1: frames_path = frames_path[0] # TODO: fix this weirdness. Diff't collate_fn? if frames.ndim in (5, 4): if frames.shape[0] == 1: frames = torch.squeeze(frames, dim=0) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid shape for `frames`: {frames.shape}") y_pred = return {frames_path: y_pred}
[docs] def load_state_dict_from_path(self, ckpt_path): """Loads a model from the path to a saved checkpoint. Loads the checkpoint and then calls ``self.load_state_dict`` with the ``state_dict`` in that chekcpoint. This method allows loading a state dict into an instance. It's necessary because `lightning.pytorch.LightningModule.load`` is a ``classmethod``, so calling that method will trigger ``LightningModule.__init__`` instead of running ``vak.models.Model.__init__``. Parameters ---------- ckpt_path : str, pathlib.Path Path to a checkpoint saved by a model in ``vak``. This checkpoint has the same key-value pairs as any other checkpoint saved by a ``lightning.pytorch.LightningModule``. Returns ------- None This method modifies the model state by loading the ``state_dict``; it does not return anything. """ ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path) self.load_state_dict(ckpt["state_dict"])