Source code for vak.models.definition

"""Code that handles classes that represent the definition
of a neural network model; the abstraction of how models
are declared with code in vak."""
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import inspect
from typing import Type, Union

import torch


]  # everything but 'default_config'

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class ModelDefinition: """A class that represents the definition of a neural network model. Note it is **not** necessary to sub-class this class; it exists mainly for type-checking purposes. A model definition is a class that has the following class variables: network: torch.nn.Module or dict Neural network. If a dict, should map string network names to torch.nn.Module classes. loss: torch.nn.Module, callable Either a built-in loss module, or a callable function that computes loss. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to optimize neural network parameters during training. metrics: dict Metrics used to evaluate network. Should map string names of metric to callable classes that compute metric. default_config : dict That specifies default keyword arguments to use when instantiating any classes in ``network``, ``optimizer``, ``loss``, or ``metrics``. Used by ``vak.models.base.Model`` and its sub-classes that represent model families. E.g., those classes will do: ``network =**self.definition.default_config['network'])``. """ network: Union[torch.nn.Module, dict] loss: dict optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer metrics: dict default_config: dict
# default that we set ``definition.default_config`` to, # if definition does not have that class variable declared DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "network": {}, "loss": {}, "optimizer": {}, "metrics": {}, }
[docs] def validate(definition: Type[ModelDefinition]) -> Type[ModelDefinition]: """Validate a model definition. A model definition is a class that has the following class variables: network: torch.nn.Module or dict Neural network. If a dict, should map string network names to torch.nn.Module classes. loss: torch.nn.Module, callable Either a built-in loss module, or a callable function that computes loss. optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer Optimizer used to optimize neural network parameters during training. metrics: dict Metrics used to evaluate network. Should map string names of metric to callable classes that compute metric. default_config : dict That specifies default keyword arguments to use when instantiating any classes in ``network``, ``optimizer``, ``loss``, or ``metrics``. Used by ``vak.models.base.Model`` and its sub-classes that represent model families. E.g., those classes will do: ``network =**self.definition.default_config['network'])``. If this class variable is not specified, it defaults to a ``dict`` with the required keys, that map to empty ``dicts``. By providing this abstraction, ``vak`` commits in code to the idea that a neural network model consists of just the network function(s), the optimizer and the loss used to optimize the parameters of the network(s), as measured with the metrics. Parameters ---------- definition : ModelDefinition A definition of a neural network model. A class having the class variables described above, with specific classes / callables / dicts assigned to those class variables. For an example, see ``vak.models.tweetynet.TweetyNet``. Does **not** need to be a sub-class of ``vak.models.definition.ModelDefinition`` (that is used for type checking). Returns ------- definition : type After validation, with ``default_config`` set to default if none was specified, as described above. Notes ----- This function is used by the decorator ``vak.decorator.model`` to validate a definition when converting it into a sub-class of ``vak.models.Model``. It's also used by ``vak.models.Model`` to validate a definition when initializing a new model instance from the definition. """ # need to set this default first # so we don't throw error when checking class variables # if user did not specify ``default_config`` if not hasattr(definition, "default_config"): definition.default_config = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONFIG else: # if they **did** specify ``default_config``, # make sure it's a dict if not isinstance(definition.default_config, dict): raise TypeError( "A model definition's ``default_config`` must be ``dict`` (or None)" f"but the type was: {type(definition.default_config)}" ) # ---- check if any required class variables are missing definition_vars = { key: val for key, val in vars(definition).items() # keep class vars; throw out __module__, __doc__, etc. if not (key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__")) } definition_class_var_names = list(definition_vars.keys()) if not all( [ expected_class_var_name in definition_class_var_names for expected_class_var_name in REQUIRED_MODEL_DEFINITION_CLASS_VARS ] ): missing_var_name = set(REQUIRED_MODEL_DEFINITION_CLASS_VARS) - set( definition_class_var_names ) raise ValueError( f"Model definition is missing the following class variable(s): {missing_var_name}" ) # ---- check if there are any extra class variables if any( [ modeldef_var_name not in REQUIRED_MODEL_DEFINITION_CLASS_VARS for modeldef_var_name in definition_class_var_names ] ): extra_var_name = set(definition_class_var_names) - set( REQUIRED_MODEL_DEFINITION_CLASS_VARS ) raise ValueError( f"Model definition has invalid class variable(s): {extra_var_name}." f"Valid class variables are: {REQUIRED_MODEL_DEFINITION_CLASS_VARS}" ) # ---- now for each class variable check if they are the expected type. # either a torch.nn.Module or torch.optim.Optimizer subclass, # a dict mapping string names to torch.nn.Modules, or # a dict mapping string names to Callables. # Note that it's still hard to "unstringify" type annotations, # esp. in Python < 3.10, so # instead of getting it dynamically from __annotations__ # we do validation "by hand" which is very verbose # ---- validate network network_obj = getattr(definition, "network") if inspect.isclass(network_obj): if not issubclass(network_obj, torch.nn.Module): raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'network' variable must be a subclass of torch.nn.Module " "or a dict mapping string names to torch.nn.Module subclasses, " f"but type was: {type(network_obj)}" ) elif isinstance(network_obj, dict): for network_dict_key, network_dict_val in network_obj.items(): if not isinstance(network_dict_key, str): raise TypeError( "A model definition with a ``network`` variable that is a dict " "should have keys that are strings, " f"but the following key has type {type(network_dict_key)}: {network_dict_key}" ) if not issubclass(network_dict_val, torch.nn.Module): raise TypeError( "A model definition with a ``network`` variable that is a dict " f"should have string keys mapping to values that are torch.nn.Module subclasses, " f"but the following value has type {type(network_dict_val)}: {network_dict_val}" ) else: raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'network' variable must be a subclass of torch.nn.Module " "or a dict mapping string names to torch.nn.Module subclasses, " f"but type was: {type(network_obj)}" ) # ---- validate loss loss_obj = getattr(definition, "loss") # need complicated if-else here because issubclass throws an error if we don't pass it a class if inspect.isclass(loss_obj): if issubclass(loss_obj, torch.nn.Module): invalid_loss_obj_type = False else: invalid_loss_obj_type = True else: if inspect.isfunction(loss_obj): invalid_loss_obj_type = False else: invalid_loss_obj_type = True if invalid_loss_obj_type: raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'loss' variable must be a subclass of torch.nn.Module or a function, " f"but type was: {type(loss_obj)}" ) # ---- validate optimizer optim_obj = getattr(definition, "optimizer") if not issubclass(optim_obj, torch.optim.Optimizer): raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'optimizer' variable must be a subclass of torch.optim.Optimizer, " f"but type was: {type(optim_obj)}" ) # ---- validate metrics metrics_obj = getattr(definition, "metrics") if not isinstance(metrics_obj, dict): raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'metrics' variable must be a dict mapping string names to callables, " f"but was type: {type(metrics_obj)}" ) for metrics_dict_key, metrics_dict_val in metrics_obj.items(): if not isinstance(metrics_dict_key, str): raise TypeError( f"A model definition's 'metrics' variable must be a dict mapping string names to callables, " f"but the following key has type {type(metrics_dict_key)}: {metrics_dict_key}" ) if not ( inspect.isclass(metrics_dict_val) and callable(metrics_dict_val) ): raise TypeError( "A model definition's 'metrics' variable must be a dict mapping " "string names to classes that define __call__ methods, " f"but the key '{metrics_dict_key}' maps to a value with type {type(metrics_dict_val)}, " f"not recognized as callable." ) # ---- validate default config default_config = getattr(definition, "default_config") if not all( [ config_key in VALID_CONFIG_KEYS for config_key in default_config.keys() ] ): invalid_keys = [ config_key for config_key in default_config.keys() if config_key not in VALID_CONFIG_KEYS ] raise ValueError( f"Invalid keys in default_config: {invalid_keys}." f"Valid keys are: {VALID_CONFIG_KEYS}" ) # -------- validate 'network' config network_config = default_config.get("network") if network_config is None: if inspect.isclass( # calling 'if issubclass(, torch.nn.Module)' # would raise an error when is a dict definition.default_config["network"] = {} elif isinstance(, dict): definition.default_config["network"] = { network_name: {} for network_name in } elif len(network_config) > 0: if inspect.isclass( # calling 'if issubclass(, torch.nn.Module)' # would raise an error when is a dict network_init_params = list( inspect.signature( ).parameters.keys() ) if any( [ network_kwarg not in network_init_params for network_kwarg in network_config.keys() ] ): invalid_keys = set(network_config.keys()) - set( network_init_params ) raise ValueError( f"The following keyword arguments specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for ``network`` are invalid: {invalid_keys}." f"Valid arguments are: {network_init_params}" ) elif isinstance(, dict): if any( [ network_name not in for network_name in network_config.keys() ] ): invalid_network_names = [ network_name for network_name in network_config.keys() if network_name not in ] raise ValueError( "When model definition's ``network`` is a ``dict`` mapping string names to ``torch.nn.Module``s," "the definition's ``default_config`` should have only those string names as keys." f"The following keys in the default_config for network are invalid: {invalid_network_names}." f"Valid keys are these network names: {}" "Please rewrite ``default_config`` so keys of ``default_config['network']`` " "are only those string names, " "and the corresponding values for those keys are keyword arguments for the networks." ) for network_name, network_kwargs in network_config.items(): network_init_params = list( inspect.signature([network_name].__init__ ).parameters.keys() ) if any( [ network_kwarg not in network_init_params for network_kwarg in network_kwargs.keys() ] ): invalid_keys = set(network_config.keys()) - set( network_init_params ) raise ValueError( f"The following keyword arguments specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for ``network`` are invalid: {invalid_keys}." f"Valid arguments are: {network_init_params}" ) # -------- validate 'loss' config loss_config = default_config.get("loss") if loss_config is None: definition.default_config["loss"] = {} elif len(loss_config) > 0: if inspect.isfunction(definition.loss): raise ValueError( "Model definition's default_config specifies keyword arguments for loss, " "but loss is a function, not a class. Please only specify keyword arguments for classes." ) loss_init_params = list( inspect.signature(definition.loss.__init__).parameters.keys() ) if any( [ loss_kwarg not in loss_init_params for loss_kwarg in loss_config.keys() ] ): invalid_loss_kwargs = set(loss_config.keys()) - set( loss_init_params ) raise ValueError( f"The following keyword arguments specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for ``loss`` are invalid: {invalid_loss_kwargs}." f"Valid arguments are: {loss_init_params}" ) # -------- validate 'optimizer' config optimizer_config = default_config.get("optimizer") if optimizer_config is None: definition.default_config["optimizer"] = {} elif len(optimizer_config) > 0: optimizer_init_params = list( inspect.signature(definition.optimizer.__init__).parameters.keys() ) if any( [ optimizer_kwarg not in optimizer_init_params for optimizer_kwarg in optimizer_config.keys() ] ): invalid_optimizer_kwargs = set(optimizer_config.keys()) - set( optimizer_init_params ) raise ValueError( f"The following keyword arguments specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for ``optimizer`` are invalid: {invalid_optimizer_kwargs}." f"Valid arguments are: {optimizer_init_params}" ) # -------- validate 'metrics' config metrics_config = default_config.get("metrics") if metrics_config is None: definition.default_config["metrics"] = {} elif len(metrics_config) > 0: if any( [ metric_name not in definition.metrics for metric_name in metrics_config.keys() ] ): invalid_metric_names = set(metrics_config.keys()) - set( definition.metrics.keys() ) raise ValueError( f"The following metric names specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for ``metrics`` are invalid: {invalid_metric_names}." f"Valid metric names are: {definition.metrics.keys()}" ) for metric_name, metric_class_config in metrics_config.items(): metric_class_init_params = list( inspect.signature( definition.metrics[metric_name].__init__ ).parameters.keys() ) if any( [ metric_class_kwarg not in metric_class_init_params for metric_class_kwarg in metric_class_config.keys() ] ): invalid_metric_class_kwargs = set( metric_class_config.keys() ) - set(metric_class_init_params) raise ValueError( f"The following keyword arguments specified in the ``default_config`` " f"for 'metrics' class {definition.metrics[metric_name]} are invalid: " f"{invalid_metric_class_kwargs}." f"Valid arguments are: {metric_class_init_params}" ) return definition