Source code for vak.config.validators

"""validators used by attrs-based classes and by vak.parse.parse_config"""
from pathlib import Path

import toml

from .. import models
from ..common import constants

[docs] def is_a_directory(instance, attribute, value): """check if given path is a directory""" if not Path(value).is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError( f"Value specified for {} of {type(instance)} not recognized as a directory:\n" f"{value}" )
[docs] def is_a_file(instance, attribute, value): """check if given path is a file""" if not Path(value).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Value specified for {} of {type(instance)} not recognized as a file:\n" f"{value}" )
[docs] def is_valid_model_name(instance, attribute, value: str) -> None: """Validate model name.""" if value not in models.registry.MODEL_NAMES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid model name: {value}.\nValid model names are: {models.registry.MODEL_NAMES}" )
[docs] def is_audio_format(instance, attribute, value): """check if valid audio format""" if value not in constants.VALID_AUDIO_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a valid format for audio files")
[docs] def is_annot_format(instance, attribute, value): """check if valid annotation format""" if value not in constants.VALID_ANNOT_FORMATS: raise ValueError( f"{value} is not a valid format for annotation files.\n" f"Valid formats are: {constants.VALID_ANNOT_FORMATS}" )
[docs] def is_spect_format(instance, attribute, value): """check if valid format for spectrograms""" if value not in constants.VALID_SPECT_FORMATS: raise ValueError( f"{value} is not a valid format for spectrogram files.\n" f"Valid formats are: {constants.VALID_SPECT_FORMATS}" )
CONFIG_DIR = Path(__file__).parent VALID_TOML_PATH = CONFIG_DIR.joinpath("valid.toml") with"r") as fp: VALID_DICT = toml.load(fp) VALID_SECTIONS = list(VALID_DICT.keys()) VALID_OPTIONS = { section: list(options.keys()) for section, options in VALID_DICT.items() }
[docs] def are_sections_valid(config_dict, toml_path=None): sections = list(config_dict.keys()) from ..cli.cli import CLI_COMMANDS # avoid circular import cli_commands_besides_prep = [ command for command in CLI_COMMANDS if command != "prep" ] sections_that_are_commands_besides_prep = [ section for section in sections if section.lower() in cli_commands_besides_prep ] if len(sections_that_are_commands_besides_prep) == 0: raise ValueError( "did not find a section related to a vak command in config besides `prep`.\n" f"Sections in config were: {sections}" ) if len(sections_that_are_commands_besides_prep) > 1: raise ValueError( "found multiple sections related to a vak command in config besides `prep`.\n" f"Those sections are: {sections_that_are_commands_besides_prep}. " f"Please use just one command besides `prep` per .toml configuration file" ) MODEL_NAMES = list(models.registry.MODEL_NAMES) # add model names to valid sections so users can define model config in sections valid_sections = VALID_SECTIONS + MODEL_NAMES for section in sections: if ( section not in valid_sections and f"{section}Model" not in valid_sections ): if toml_path: err_msg = ( f"section defined in {toml_path} is not valid: {section}" ) else: err_msg = ( f"section defined in toml config is not valid: {section}" ) raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] def are_options_valid(config_dict, section, toml_path=None): user_options = set(config_dict[section].keys()) valid_options = set(VALID_OPTIONS[section]) if not user_options.issubset(valid_options): invalid_options = user_options - valid_options if toml_path: err_msg = ( f"the following options from {section} section in " f"the config file '{}' are not valid:\n{invalid_options}" ) else: err_msg = ( f"the following options from {section} section in " f"the toml config are not valid:\n{invalid_options}" ) raise ValueError(err_msg)