Source code for vak.config.train

"""parses [TRAIN] section of config"""
import attr
from attr import converters, validators
from attr.validators import instance_of

from ..common import device
from ..common.converters import bool_from_str, expanded_user_path
from .validators import is_valid_model_name

[docs] @attr.s class TrainConfig: """class that represents [TRAIN] section of config.toml file Attributes ---------- model : str Model name, e.g., ``model = "TweetyNet"`` dataset_path : str Path to dataset, e.g., a csv file generated by running ``vak prep``. num_epochs : int number of training epochs. One epoch = one iteration through the entire training set. batch_size : int number of samples per batch presented to models during training. root_results_dir : str directory in which results will be created. The vak.cli.train function will create a subdirectory in this directory each time it runs. num_workers : int Number of processes to use for parallel loading of data. Argument to torch.DataLoader. device : str Device on which to work with model + data. Defaults to 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available is True. shuffle: bool if True, shuffle training data before each epoch. Default is True. normalize_spectrograms : bool if True, use to normalize the spectrograms. Normalization is done by subtracting off the mean for each frequency bin of the training set and then dividing by the std for that frequency bin. This same normalization is then applied to validation + test data. val_step : int Step on which to estimate accuracy using validation set. If val_step is n, then validation is carried out every time the global step / n is a whole number, i.e., when val_step modulo the global step is 0. Default is None, in which case no validation is done. ckpt_step : int Step on which to save to checkpoint file. If ckpt_step is n, then a checkpoint is saved every time the global step / n is a whole number, i.e., when ckpt_step modulo the global step is 0. Default is None, in which case checkpoint is only saved at the last epoch. patience : int number of validation steps to wait without performance on the validation set improving before stopping the training. Default is None, in which case training only stops after the specified number of epochs. checkpoint_path : str path to directory with checkpoint files saved by Torch, to reload model. Default is None, in which case a new model is initialized. spect_scaler_path : str path to a saved SpectScaler object used to normalize spectrograms. If spectrograms were normalized and this is not provided, will give incorrect results. Default is None. """ # required model = attr.ib( validator=[instance_of(str), is_valid_model_name], ) num_epochs = attr.ib(converter=int, validator=instance_of(int)) batch_size = attr.ib(converter=int, validator=instance_of(int)) root_results_dir = attr.ib(converter=expanded_user_path) # optional # dataset_path is actually 'required' but we can't enforce that here because cli.prep looks at # what sections are defined to figure out where to add dataset_path after it creates the csv dataset_path = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(expanded_user_path), default=None, ) results_dirname = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(expanded_user_path), default=None, ) normalize_spectrograms = attr.ib( converter=bool_from_str, validator=validators.optional(instance_of(bool)), default=False, ) num_workers = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(int), default=2) device = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), default=device.get_default()) shuffle = attr.ib( converter=bool_from_str, validator=instance_of(bool), default=True ) val_step = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(int), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(int)), default=None, ) ckpt_step = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(int), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(int)), default=None, ) patience = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(int), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(int)), default=None, ) checkpoint_path = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(expanded_user_path), default=None, ) spect_scaler_path = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(expanded_user_path), default=None, ) train_transform_params = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(dict), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None, ) train_dataset_params = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(dict), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None, ) val_transform_params = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(dict), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None, ) val_dataset_params = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(dict), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(dict)), default=None, )