Source code for vak.common.files.spect

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import pathlib

import numpy as np
from dask import bag as db
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

from .. import constants
from ..timebins import timebin_dur_from_vec
from .files import find_fname

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def find_audio_fname( spect_path: str | pathlib.Path, audio_ext: str | None = None ): """finds name of audio file in a path to a spectrogram file, if one is present. Checks for any extension that is a valid audio file format and returns path up to and including that extension, i.e. with the spectrogram file extension removed. Parameters ---------- spect_path : str, Path path to a spectrogram file audio_ext : str extension associated with an audio file format, used to find audio file name in spect_path. Default is None. If None, search for any valid audio format (as defined by vak.config.constants.VALID_AUDIO_FORMATS) Returns ------- audio_fname : str name of audio file found in spect_path """ if audio_ext is None: audio_ext = constants.VALID_AUDIO_FORMATS elif type(audio_ext) is str: audio_ext = [audio_ext] else: raise TypeError(f"invalid type for audio_ext: {type(audio_ext)}") # We force spect_path to be a pathlib.Path and only use name attribute # so we don't have to worry about handling whitespace elsewhere in the path spect_fname = pathlib.Path(spect_path).name audio_fnames = [] for ext in audio_ext: audio_fnames.append(find_fname(spect_fname, ext)) # remove Nones audio_fnames = [fname for fname in audio_fnames if fname is not None] if len(audio_fnames) == 1: return audio_fnames[0] else: raise ValueError( f"unable to determine filename of audio file from: {spect_path}" )
[docs] def load(spect_path: str | pathlib.Path, spect_format: str | None = None): """load spectrogram and related arrays from a file, return as an object that provides Python dictionary-like access Parameters ---------- spect_path : str, Path to an array file. spect_format : str Valid formats are defined in Default is None, in which case the extension of the file is used. Returns ------- spect_dict : dict-like either a dictionary or dictionary-like object that provides access to arrays from the filefrom pathlib import Path via keys, e.g. spect_dict['s'] for the spectrogram. See docstring for for default keys for spectrogram array files that function creates. """ spect_path = pathlib.Path(spect_path) if spect_format is None: # "replace('.', '')", because suffix returns file extension with period included spect_format = spect_path.suffix.replace(".", "") spect_dict = constants.SPECT_FORMAT_LOAD_FUNCTION_MAP[spect_format]( spect_path ) return spect_dict
[docs] def timebin_dur( spect_path: str | pathlib.Path, spect_format: str, timebins_key: str = "t", n_decimals_trunc: int = 5, ): """get duration of time bins from a spectrogram file Parameters ---------- spect_path: str, Path path to spectrogram file. spect_format : str format of file containing spectrogram. One of {'mat', 'npz'} timebins_key : str key for accessing vector of time bins in files. Default is 't'. n_decimals_trunc : int number of decimal places to keep when truncating the timebin duration calculated from the vector of time bins. Default is 3, i.e. assumes milliseconds is the last significant digit. Returns ------- timebin_dur : float """ spect_path = pathlib.Path(spect_path) spect_dict = load(spect_path, spect_format) time_bins = spect_dict[timebins_key] timebin_dur = timebin_dur_from_vec(time_bins, n_decimals_trunc) return timebin_dur
[docs] def is_valid_set_of_spect_files( spect_paths, spect_format, freqbins_key="f", timebins_key="t", spect_key="s", n_decimals_trunc=5, ): """validate a set of spectrogram files that will be used as a dataset. Validates that: - all files contain a spectrogram array that can be accessed with the specified key - the length of the frequency bin array in each file equals the number of rows in the spectrogram array - the frequency bins are the same across all files - the length of the time bin array in each file equals the number of columns in the spectrogram array - the duration of a spectrogram time bin is the same across all files Parameters ---------- spect_paths: list of strings or pathlib.Path objects; paths to spectrogram files. spect_format : str format of files containing spectrograms. One of {'mat', 'npz'} freqbins_key : str key for accessing vector of frequency bins in files. Default is 'f'. timebins_key : str key for accessing vector of time bins in files. Default is 't'. spect_key : str key for accessing spectrogram in files. Default is 's'. n_decimals_trunc : int number of decimal places to keep when truncating the timebin duration calculated from the vector of time bins. Default is 3, i.e. assumes milliseconds is the last significant digit. Other Parameters ---------------- logger : logging.Logger instance created by vak.logging.get_logger. Default is None. Returns ------- returns True if all validation checks pass. If not, an error is raised. """ spect_paths = [pathlib.Path(spect_path) for spect_path in spect_paths] def _validate(spect_path): """validates each spectrogram file, then returns frequency bin array and duration of time bins, so that those can be validated across all files """ spect_dict = load(spect_path, spect_format) if spect_key not in spect_dict: raise KeyError( f"Did not find a spectrogram in file '{}' " f"using spect_key '{spect_key}'." ) freq_bins = spect_dict[freqbins_key] time_bins = spect_dict[timebins_key] timebin_dur = timebin_dur_from_vec(time_bins, n_decimals_trunc) # number of freq. bins should equal number of rows if ( spect_dict[freqbins_key].shape[-1] != spect_dict[spect_key].shape[0] ): raise ValueError( f"length of frequency bins in {} " "does not match number of rows in spectrogram" ) # number of time bins should equal number of columns if ( spect_dict[timebins_key].shape[-1] != spect_dict[spect_key].shape[1] ): raise ValueError( f"length of time_bins in {} " f"does not match number of columns in spectrogram" ) return spect_path, freq_bins, timebin_dur spect_paths_bag = db.from_sequence(spect_paths)"validating set of spectrogram files") with ProgressBar(): path_freqbins_timebin_dur_tups = list( all_freq_bins = np.stack( [tup[1] for tup in path_freqbins_timebin_dur_tups] ) uniq_freq_bins = np.unique(all_freq_bins, axis=0) if len(uniq_freq_bins) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Found more than one frequency bin vector across files. " f"Instead found {len(uniq_freq_bins)}" ) timebin_durs = [tup[2] for tup in path_freqbins_timebin_dur_tups] uniq_durs = np.unique(timebin_durs) if len(uniq_durs) != 1: raise ValueError( "Found more than one duration for time bins across spectrogram files. " f"Durations found were: {uniq_durs}" ) return True