Source code for vak.config.spect_params

"""parses [SPECT_PARAMS] section of config"""
import attr
from attr import converters, validators
from attr.validators import instance_of

def freq_cutoffs_validator(instance, attribute, value):
    if len(value) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"freq_cutoffs should be a list of two elements, but instead got: {value}"
    if value[0] > value[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"lower freq_cutoff should be less than higher freq_cutoff, instead of: {value}"

VALID_TRANSFORM_TYPES = {"log_spect", "log_spect_plus_one"}

def is_valid_transform_type(instance, attribute, value):
    if value not in VALID_TRANSFORM_TYPES:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Value for `transform_type`, {value}, in [SPECT_PARAMS] "
            "section of .toml file is not recognized. Must be one "
            f"of the following: {VALID_TRANSFORM_TYPES}"

[docs]@attr.s class SpectParamsConfig: """represents parameters for making spectrograms from audio and saving in files Attributes ---------- fft_size : int size of window for Fast Fourier transform, number of time bins. Default is 512. step_size : int step size for Fast Fourier transform. Default is 64. freq_cutoffs : tuple of two elements, lower and higher frequencies. Used to bandpass filter audio (using a Butter filter) before generating spectrogram. Default is None, in which case no bandpass filtering is applied. transform_type : str one of {'log_spect', 'log_spect_plus_one'}. 'log_spect' transforms the spectrogram to log(spectrogram), and 'log_spect_plus_one' does the same thing but adds one to each element. Default is None. If None, no transform is applied. thresh: int threshold minimum power for log spectrogram. spect_key : str key for accessing spectrogram in files. Default is 's'. freqbins_key : str key for accessing vector of frequency bins in files. Default is 'f'. timebins_key : str key for accessing vector of time bins in files. Default is 't'. audio_path_key : str key for accessing path to source audio file for spectogram in files. Default is 'audio_path'. """ fft_size = attr.ib(converter=int, validator=instance_of(int), default=512) step_size = attr.ib(converter=int, validator=instance_of(int), default=64) freq_cutoffs = attr.ib( validator=validators.optional(freq_cutoffs_validator), default=None ) thresh = attr.ib( converter=converters.optional(float), validator=validators.optional(instance_of(float)), default=None, ) transform_type = attr.ib( validator=validators.optional([instance_of(str), is_valid_transform_type]), default=None, ) spect_key = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), default="s") freqbins_key = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), default="f") timebins_key = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), default="t") audio_path_key = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(str), default="audio_path")