
This page explains how to install vak. The library can be installed with the package managers conda or pip. We recommend conda for most users. For more detail, please see Why do we recommend conda?. We also recommend installing vak into a virtual environment. For an explanation, please see Why use a virtual environment?.


A package manager

First you need a package manager, that can install vak and the other software libraries that it depends on. For example, the conda package manager that is installed for you with the Anaconda distribution (

If you prefer, you can also install vak with the Python package manager pip (

A terminal program

You will also need to use a terminal program to run vak through its command-line interface, as shown below:
terminal showing vak help command output

On macOS, you can use the built-in Terminal application or alternatives like iTerm2. If you install Anaconda, then conda will be available to you through the terminal. The built-in terminal will also work on Linux.

If you are on Windows and using Anaconda and the conda package manager, you will want to install and run vak through the Anaconda prompt, that can be accessed as shown in the video below.

Commands to install vak

with conda

To create a new virtual environment that contains vak and all the libraries it depends on, open your terminal and run:

conda create --name vak-env python=3.9 vak -c pytorch -c conda-forge

Notice that we specify the Python version and the vak version. This makes the install faster because the package manager has to do less work. You can specify newer versions of Python, and you should specify the latest version of vak. Notice also that you need to make sure the pytorch channel is specified first (by writing -c pytorch before -c conda-forge), because vak is built on top of pytorch and torchvision, and you want their channel to take precedence for installing those two libraries.

To install vak into an existing environment, run:

conda install vak -c pytorch -c conda-forge

Again you should specify the latest version of vak, and make sure the pytorch channel is specified first, so that it takes precedence.

Troubleshooting conda installations on Windows

If you encounter cryptic errors like on Windows, like a WinError or a BrokenPipeError, it may help to create a new conda environment, and first install pytorch and torchvision according to the instructions on, before installing vak. For example:

C:\You> conda create -n vak-env python==3.9
C:\You> conda activate vak-env
(vak-env) C:\You> pip install torch===1.10.2 torchvision===0.11.3 -f
(vak-env) C:\You> pip install vak
(vak-env) C:\You> pip install tweetynet

(but again make sure you are installing the latest versions – the numbers above may be out of date).

with pip

To install vak with pip, run:

pip install vak

Installing a neural network model

Finally you’ll want to install a neural network model to train! vak was developed to benchmark a neural network model, TweetyNet. We use this model in the tutorial: Automated Annotation.

With conda

conda install tweetynet -c conda-forge

With pip

(You can use pip inside a conda environment.)

pip install tweetynet

Getting help

If you need help or have questions about installation, please create a new topic in the VocalPy forum, using the “Q&A” category and adding the vak tag.

Why do we recommend conda?

Many libraries for data science packages have dependencies written in languages besides Python. There are platforms dedicated to managing these dependencies that you may find it easier to use. For example, Anaconda ( (which is free). You can use the conda command-line tool that they develop to create environments and install the libraries that this package depends on. Here is an in-depth look at using conda to manage environments: Further detail about conda and how it relates to other tools like virtualenv and pip can be found in this blog post:

vak depends on several widely-used libraries from the Python data science ecosystem. Currently, the easiest way to install these libraries across operating systems (Linux, Mac, and Windows) is to use the conda tool. It will help you create what is a called a “virtual environment”, and then install the libraries that vak depends on into that environment. The easiest way to use conda is to install the Anaconda platform ( (which is free).

The main reason we use conda to install other dependencies, instead of letting pip handle that, is because conda makes it easier to work with GPUs. For example, using conda avoids the need to install and configure drivers for NVIDIA. In contrast, if you install just with pip, and you are using a GPU, you may need to ensure that the installation of PyTorch is using the system install of binaries that it depends on, such as conda makes it possible to install cudatoolkit and other dependencies into a virtual environment to avoid dealing with system-wide installs of binaries.

Why use a virtual environment?

Virtual environments makes it possible to install the software libraries that a program depends on, known as “dependencies”, so that they can be isolated from the dependencies of other programs. This avoids many issues, like when two programs depend on two different versions of the same library. For an in-depth explanation of virtual environments, please see this guide from the Turing Way. For a Python specific guide, see or