
validators used by attrs-based classes and by vak.parse.parse_config


are_keys_valid(config_dict, table_name[, ...])

Given a dict containing the entire configuration loaded from a toml file, validate the key names for a specific top-level table, e.g. vak.train or vak.predict.

are_table_keys_valid(table_config_dict, ...)

Given a dict containing the configuration for a specific top-level table, loaded from a toml file, validate the key names for that table, e.g. vak.train or vak.predict.

are_tables_valid(config_dict[, toml_path])

Validate top-level tables in class:dict.

is_a_directory(instance, attribute, value)

check if given path is a directory

is_a_file(instance, attribute, value)

check if given path is a file

is_annot_format(instance, attribute, value)

Check if valid annotation format

is_audio_format(instance, attribute, value)

Check if valid audio format

is_spect_format(instance, attribute, value)

Check if valid format for spectrograms

is_valid_model_name(instance, attribute, value)

Validate model name.